The 75th World Foundry Congress (WFC 2024), hosted by the World Foundry Organization (WFO), will be held in Deyang, China from Oct. 25th to 30th, 2024. This is the third time thatthe Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) organizesthe WFC after successfully holding the 61st WFC (1995, Beijing) and the 69th WFC (2010,Hangzhou). The theme of the event is "Developing Foundry". Under the leadershipand support of the WFO and with the joint efforts of foundry professionals, we willdedicate a great event for the global foundry industry again!
We now sincerely invite you, who are devoted to foundry research and application, to actively share and exchange views and achievements in way of papers and presentations.
Papers related to foundry can be submitted, including butnot limited to the following topics:
n Ferrous alloy: cast steel, cast iron and the compositematerials
nNon-ferrous alloy: aluminum alloys, copper alloys, magnesiumalloys, titanium alloys, zinc alloys, etc.
nMolding material: base sand, binders, additives, auxiliarymaterials, etc.
nProcess & technology: advanced foundry processes andtechnologies, equipment and detection technologiesbased on sand casting, metal mould casting, etc.
nDigitalization & intelligence: numerical simulation, internetplus, artificial intelligence, digital factory, 3D printing,etc.
nManagement: factory planning, design and renovation;lean production, and quality management, etc.
nSustainable development: policy interpretation, environmentalprotection and emissions reduction, occupationalhealth, talent cultivation and education, etc.
Rules for authors
nAll submitted papers should be original in English that hasnot been previously published or under consideration ofpublication elsewhere, and not less than 3,500 words. Thedata should be true and accurate, and the paper shouldbe written clear in logic and complete in content. Thepaper should include title, author's name and affiliation,abstract, keywords, introduction, main body, conclusionand references.
nThe abstract with no less than 150 words should summarizethe research purpose, method, process, and results of thestudy, and should not contain figures and tables.
nA brief introduction of the corresponding author shouldbe provided, including name, gender, title, degree, rese-arch interest, and email address.
nWriting Requirements
(1) The full paper should be written in Microsoft Word, A4,and 10 pt Times New Roman and single-spacing for themain body.
(2) The figures, tables and formulas in the paper should benumbered consecutively in Roman numerals. All figuresshould be above 300dpi. Three-line tables should beadopted, and formulas should be edited using the WordFormula Editor, instead of pictures. Figures, tables, andformulas should follow the relevant descriptions in thetext.
Full paper after acceptance will be included in the proceedingsof the 75th World Foundry Congress, and excellent papersapproved by experts will be recommended to be publishedin CHINA FOUNDRY journal.
Abstract:Feb. 29, 2024
Full paper:May 31, 2024
The abstract/paper should be submitted online throughthe congress website:, thetemplate can be found on the website.
Contact us
Foundry Institution of Chinese MechanicalEngineering Society (FICMES)
Li Shiying/You Yi
+86 24 25877030 / +86 24 25855793