METAL AP Newspaper Officially Launched in Southeast Asia!
Time:2023-03-18   Hits:922

In the 21st century, with an actual GDP increasing rate of ASEAN is up to 5.3% at an average, it becomes the fifth economy after USA, China, Japan and Germany. Recent years have witnessed much attention and expectation on ASEAN's manufacturing industry from the whole world. Internationally known auto and electrics & electrical players such as Toyota, ZF, Samsung, etc. have frequently invested their production bases in this area. Auto and electrics & electrical are main sectors of many ASEAN countries, but local chain is not complete enough. Part of equipment, mould, parts, etc. are yet to be self-sufficient. In order to accelerate development, local governments in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and other government have carried out tax or financial incentives to attract investment. There are business chances with support of policy!
Effective and accurate delivery of brand information is a strong booster for market exploring. In order to help enterprises to get more insights about potential chances in ASEAN and reach target customers efficiently, organizer of Asia-Pacific Metal Industry Exhibition (METAL AP), on basis of service efforts accumulated for years in ASEAN, together with Keikinzoku Tsushin AL Co., Ltd., officially launches METAL AP Newspaper since year 2020.

E-newspaper coming soon!
What's your NEED?
If you have any inquiry on technology, market, buying, sales agent, manufacturers, etc. related to Southeast Asian die casting and foundry industries, METAL AP Newspaper is very glad to answer and help to solve. Just contact and let us know your needs.
Call for Papers
We appreciate anyone who shares industry news, hotspot technologies, new product launch, brand promotion, industry policy and other contents related to Southeast Asia with us. Chosen messages or papers will be posted in newspaper.
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For price and specifications of advertisements, kindly contact us.
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Foundry Productivity Promotion Center (FPC)
Foundry Institution of CMES (FICMES)
Keikinzoku Tsushin AL Co., Ltd.

Contact Us:
Gillian Li